The International Confederation for Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies ( is a multi-disciplinary body, which promotes and facilitates the management of cleft lip and palate deformities, and related craniofacial anomalies internationally. The International Congress is held every 4 years.

Previous international congresses

Monte Carlo-France-1985Jerusalem-Israel-1989
Gothenburg-Sweden-2001Durban-South Africa-2005
Fortaleza-Brazil-2009Orlando USA-2013
Chennai-India-2017Edinburgh, UK-2022

Bidders to host Cleft 2029 are:





At the General Business Meeting voting shall be on the basis of country. 1 delegate= 1 vote, 2 delegates = 2 votes, 3 or more delegates = 3 votes (maximum of 3 votes). A country is defined as a national Cleft Lip and Palate Association or is a member of the United Nations. Delegates from each country shall select representatives who will record their country’s vote. This should be representative of the specialities coming from that country. If a country has not decided on a delegate for their country, then the Congress Chairman can and may appoint a delegate from that country. The Chair will have the casting vote.