Dr Felicity Mehendale

Chair of Cleft 2021
President of International Confederation of Cleft Lip & Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies (ICCPCA)

Ă“rla Duncan

Vice-Chair of Cleft 2021
Psychosocial Nurse Practitioner at Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh, UK

Vicky Beale

Treasurer of Cleft 2021

David Orr

Scientific Sub-Committee Co-Chair


Debbie Sell

Scientific Sub-Committee Co-Chair

Peter Mossey

Scientific Sub-Committee Co-Chair

David Sainsbury

Social Media and Delegate Engagement Sub-Committee Chair

Imogen Underwood

Prizes, Awards and Bursaries Sub-Committee Chair

Gillian Cairns

Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist

Margaret Davie

DipDH (Edin), DipOT (RCSEd), MClinEd (Edin), FHEA

Kate Le Marechal

Member of the Organising Committee

Declaration of Interest