Absract Submission Cleft 2022

Abstract Key Dates

Abstract Submission OpenMonday 12th July 2021
Registration OpenMonday 27th September 2021
Abstract Submission DeadlineExtended to Monday 17th January 2022 09:00 (GMT)
Notification to AuthorsFriday 04th March 2022
Early Registration DeadlineFriday 29th April 2022

Before submitting your abstract, please take a moment to carefully read the abstract submission guidelines below.

Guidelines for Oral Presentations and Poster

  • All abstracts are limited to 300 words. Longer abstracts will not be accepted.
  • The required format of the abstract is: Introduction –  Aims – Methods – Results – Conclusions
  • Please include these headings in your submission (this does not count towards the total word count). If these headings are unsuitable for your submission, you are invited to amend these as necessary.
  • All submissions must be made in English.
  • Abstracts will be considered if they have not been presented at a previous ICCPCA conference and if they have not been published prior to Jan 2021.
  • Any requests to link presentations, will be considered but are not guaranteed.
  • Oral presentations will be up to 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for discussion. We may also offer some shorter presentation slots, depending on the number and quality of abstracts received.

Guidelines for Workshops

The Cleft 2022 Scientific Committee is reserving a few slots in the programme for Workshops.

  • Workshops are educational sessions with didactic teaching elements that include an adequate time and level of audience participation. Only a few slots for workshops are available, but the committee is welcoming all submissions.
  • Workshops are likely to be scheduled for 60-90 minutes.
  • All abstracts are limited to 300 words. Longer abstracts will not be accepted.
  • The required format of the abstract is: Introduction –  Learning Outcomes – Content
  • Please include these headings in your submission (this does not count towards the total word count). If these headings are unsuitable for your submission, you are invited to amend these as necessary.
  • You further need to provide information on: Workshop Level –  AV preferences – Maximum participants preferences – Room setup preferences
  • All submissions must be made in English.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us via our online form. Alternatively you can email us at cleft2022@in-conference.org.uk.