Talking about – Collaboration, Compassion and Excellence – Tweetchats

Talking about – Collaboration, Compassion and Excellence – Tweetchats

We would like to invite the Cleft Community to join us in the build-up to Cleft 2022 to three Tweetchats to discuss and debate the core themes of the Congress – Collaboration, Compassion and Excellence. We believe this is a great way to spark discussion about these key concepts before the forthcoming meeting.

We are going to do this on three weekends before the conference between 12-1pm (BST): 

  • Sunday 12 June 2022 (Collaboration Theme)
  • Saturday, 18 June 2022 (Compassion Theme)
  • Sunday, 26 June 2022 (Excellence Theme)

Follow us on Twitter – @EdinCleft2022

What is a Tweetchat?
A Tweetchat is a great way to share knowledge and opinions on a topic in an online community. At the designated time all people interested in taking part in the chat (or those who simply wish to observe) log on to Twitter and search on the hashtag being used (we will be using #Cleft2022). The Tweetchat starts with the host posting the first of a series of questions on the hashtag. People then respond with their opinions on the hashtag. Conversations start around the topic, and the combined opinion of the audience is shared. Over a period of usually an hour the host will present further questions on the topic. Hopefully the chat remains lively. 

The only thing to remember is to always include the hashtag (#Cleft2022) in any tweet replies.

After the Tweetchat has ended the host will summarise the content to the chat in a blog that will be posted on the conference website (

Advice for Joining a Tweetchat 

  • Be on Twitter! Open a Twitter account for your personal use.
  • At the time of the Tweetchat search for #Cleft2022. This will allow you to follow the chat. You may need to repeat the search occasionally.
  • If you would like to comment on the question type a reply or a comment making sure to add the hashtag (#Cleft2022) to the end of the Tweet so it appears on everyone’s chat who is following the Tweetchat on the hashtag.
  • Twitter controls the speed of the stream of tweets so it can be a little slow at first for your tweet to appear.
  • Watch the chat first to get the vibe.
  • Don’t panic! Sometime the chat streams very fast but you don’t have to read it all or interact with everyone, just stick to one part of the chat that interests you. You can always re-read the whole chat later.
  • We will post a summary of the Tweetchat. These catch ups aren’t just for those who missed the chat – take some time to read the summary and transcript of the chat afterwards – you will be amazed at what you missed. 
  • ENJOY !! This isn’t an exam – it’s a chat!! Have fun and enjoy sharing.
  • Be polite and civil to fellow chatters. 
  • Please respect others and their opinions – it’s important to show respect, even in 140 characters, treat others how you wish to be treated. 
  • Please feel free to disagree with people during a discussion but remember that it is a discussion and not an argument.